Abandoned Ireland - Really great website which documents abandoned buildings in Ireland. Subject matter can range from a small cottage to a castle. It is also very nicely presented.
Big Stones - Good site covering stone circles in England and Scotland.
Castles on the Web - This is essentially a links website providing links to a plethora of castle related websites on the web. Click below.

Denise Labadie Art - The website of American artist Denise Labadie who specialises in painting of Irish sites.
Documenting Ireland - Excellent new website which does what it says, it documents Ireland and features many landmarks which are of great interest.
Early Christian Ireland - This is the biggest database of early Christian sites in Ireland on the web. Great site with good information and plenty of pictures, some of which are provided by 'The Standing Stone.'
Fionn's Travels - Blog of Fionn and his travels to historical places around the country.
Historic Sites of Ireland - Blog by talented photographer Tony Mulraney covering sites from around the country.
The Irish Antiquarian - Brand new site which I am involved in. This site aims to provide a wide ranging database of Irish sites. Users can upload information and pictures.
Irish Antiquities - Fantastic site covering a wide range of monument types and all of Ireland. The site owner has been building this database for decades offline and has now uploaded pictures from the 1970's to the present day.
Irish Archaeology - New site dedicated to Irish archaeology.
Irish Heritage Towns - Comprehensive site that covers Irish heritage towns, based in Abbeyleix.
Irish Megaliths - Great site by Anthony Weir. This site contains an awful lot of information and is well worth a visit...well many visits.
Knowth - Site dealing with the monuments of the Boyne Valley. Great site with lots of information and pictures.
Laois Genealogy - Laois based website about genealogical studies in that county.
Megalithic Ireland - Nice site with good pictures covering ancient monuments in Ireland.
Megalithic Monuments of Ireland - This site of one of my favourites and is regularly updated with new pictures and information.
Megalithomania - This is the jewel of the internet and the largest resource out there for ancient sites in Ireland. The site recently boasts forums and 3D pictures.
The Modern Antiquarian - User run website based in the book of the same name by Julian Cope. This site covers ancient monuments from all over Europe. Anyone can upload pictures and write about sites. Ireland is well represented but now the Megalithomania forums are more active on Irish sites.
The National Monuments Service - This is the official website of the Irish governments National Monument Service. Contains plenty of useful information about antiquities in Ireland. Particularly useful is the sites and monuments database where you can search for a particular monuments. Unfortunately it doesn't give pictures or information about a site, just it's type and location.
Prehistoric Waterford - A fantastic website dedicated to megaliths in county Waterford. This site, like 'The Standing Stone' is ever growing and expanding.
Sacred Springs and Ancient Places - Website of Gary Branigan who offers tours of holy wells and various sites in the Dublin/Kildare area. Gary's book 'Ancient and Holy Wells of Dublin' is the most complete study of holy wells in Dublin on the market. A must for anyone with an interest in holy wells.
Seandalaiocht - Great website following archaeology news in Ireland with fantastic pictures and plenty of information.
Shadows and Stone - Website of amazingly talented photographer Ken Williams. Here you will find some great pictures of ancient sites.
Stonehunters - Excellent website covering many varied sites.
Under the Oak - Blog that covers information about Irish saints. Very useful resource for lovers of ecclesiastical sites.
Some of my posts also appear on http://catholicheritage.blogspot.com/ . Although The Standing Stone is a purely secular site I also post on 'St Conleth's Catholic Heritage' so that people in that area can find information on the ecclesiastical history of their parish.